About Us

I'm not a"halfsies" kinda person. When it says two portions and it's in one bag it's consumed in one eating. So for a snack to be satiating it was going to have to be one, real person size portion.
Snacks of Substance was born out of sheer necessity, the snack choices of healthy and measly or healthy and boring or a 100 calorie processed sugary snack, just wasn’t cutting it. After years of perusing the store aisles in search of this mythical snack it finally dawned on me, it wasn’t coming.
This was the genesis of creating my ideal snack, one that would be
healthy but indulgent and yet be satiating. I started from the ground up using the best all-natural ingredients with the mission of making snacks that:
-Delivered on taste.
-Delivered on calories that count with, high protein and low sugar.
-Delivered on satisfaction and with this, I mean snacks that deliver in heartiness or in plain English not, "snack size."
-Delivered on contributing to a healthier, happier, people, animals and planet.
-Delivered on calories that count with, high protein and low sugar.
-Delivered on satisfaction and with this, I mean snacks that deliver in heartiness or in plain English not, "snack size."
-Delivered on contributing to a healthier, happier, people, animals and planet.
Lots of eating and untold recipes later my wish list has been baked into
these 100 calorie snacks. Hoping they'll become a bright spot in your day.
these 100 calorie snacks. Hoping they'll become a bright spot in your day.
Hugs and High Fives,